Tag: Phil Cooke

Encouragement for Those Ignored

The criticism could make you better.

The Relationship Between Dreams and Inspiration

As a result of having so many vivid dreams, for years I kept a dream journal, and every morning I would write down whatever I’d dreamed about the previous night—no matter how crazy and odd.

The Power of Resilience

Perhaps the reason I’ve been able to shake off disappointments, betrayals, cynicism, skepticism, and distrust was an unusual gift I’d never thought about before: resilience.

4 Keys to Successful Delegation

Delegation is necessary for your growth and the growth of others. So how do you do it well?

Transparency in Leadership

Withholding information creates roadblocks to operating well.

How a Church Can Respond to Negative Online Comments

There have been numerous cases where church or ministry employees complained online about their pastor’s message, a particular church policy, or other employees.

10 Steps to Build a Creative Culture

How do you maximize the creativity of your people and create an environment where they thrive.

Do You Know the Strengths of Your Congregation?

Ken Foreman discovered it can impact untold thousands of people, open doors to city leaders and put the church on the radar of the entire community.