Tag: Outreach 100 largest churches

Jeff Bogue: Pray for Your 3

"We strongly believe that the relational tie is the tie that will help to bring about healing and start to make a long-term difference in our community."

Dean Fulks: Learning to Communicate Better

"We streamlined our communication process so that it became more consistent. We knew that we had to be abundantly clear about the hearer’s best next step."

Mike Baker: Partner With Community Organizations

"We’ve been thinking through the lens of Jesus’ teaching on new wineskins and trying to identify what that will mean for this new wine."

Rufus Smith: Work for Unity and Justice

"We are one example of how the church of Jesus Christ can leverage its platform, trust and credibility to be the conscience and compassionate arm of the gospel."

Be Shepherds

Use this opportunity to reach out to your flock.

Tim Harlow: ‘Focus on the Lost Sheep’

“Christians are not always the easiest people to lead, or even be around.”

Kevin Geer: ‘Hold On to Everything Loosely’

“When church people hold on with closed fists to preferences and style, they cannot receive all that God is wanting to do.”

Joshua Finklea: ‘We Are Empowering Gen Z Now’

“Being ‘this gen’ led and creatively planting churches has brought great growth.”