Tag: Outreach 100 largest churches

J.J. Vasquez: Journey of Faith

No matter who walks through the door, I can connect with him or her, but only by being the person God created me to be, not pretending to be someone I’m not.

Ashley Wooldridge: Radical Generosity

When you get radically generous, it invites the blessing of God in a supernatural way.

Ed Stetzer: Thoughts on the Megachurch

Prioritizing health ensures a church culture that is equitable, avoids abuse and scandal, and treats each person as an image-bearer of God.

Eric Geiger: Making the Most of the Moment—Part 1

“Christianity has become more tribal. It’s challenging to shepherd people from so many different viewpoints, but it’s also beautiful.”

Eric Geiger: Pivoting to Meet People Where They Are—Part 2

“The Lord runs to the brokenhearted. So I always feel my first response needs to be to run to them too, to let my heart break with theirs.”

Aaron Burke: Close the ‘Back Door’

"The invite culture has also grown at our church and people feel comfortable bringing their friends."

Kevin Geer: Help People Experience Jesus

"When leading in a time of change and uncertainty when everyone is trying to understand what the new reality is, it’s important to draw people's attention to what is not changing."

Michael Fletcher: Leverage Small Groups

"People need content, but they also need connection. Disciples are made in small groups."