Tag: Outreach 100

Together Amplifying the Gospel

There was no competition, and every leader was celebrated, encouraged and shared in the community of pastoral leadership.

Forging Faith: How Growing Churches Are Reaching Young Adults

“You don’t want to lower the bar of discipleship, but you do want to lower the bar of entry to get them on that path.” –Jonathan Moynihan

Beauty in Small Places

Great Things Are Happening Across the Country in Churches of All Sizes

How Growing Churches Strive to Make Connections

These churches are changing the way they connect with new people.

Raising Up Young Leaders: Riverview Church

Riverview Church stays strong with a healthy culture of succession.

Pastoral Humility: The Bridge Church

Transparent leadership creates a come-as-you-are environment at The Bridge.

Delivering Hope: Fuel Church

Fuel Church works to connect addicts with help.

Joby Martin: Creating a Launchpad for Ministry—Part 1

“We needed to see our church like an aircraft carrier—a place from which to launch people to the frontlines.”