Tag: Multiethnic Church

How the Bible Talks about Race and Ethnicity

Excerpted from 'How to Fight Racism' (Zondervan).

Starting a Church in 2020

Church planters share their advice from the front lines.

New Research on Multiethnic Churches

Here are new benchmarks that provide insights into the multiethnic church movement.

Pursuing Diversity: 3 Advantages of Doing Ministry ‘With,’ Not ‘To’

"Paul found ways to strategically connect to every segment of society in order to share the gospel with all people."

Tentative Steps Toward Racial Reconciliation

A Small Action Can Yield Big Results in Addressing Racial Reconciliation

5 Ways a Church Can Redeem Its Community

“The American church has proved it can fill the seats, but it has yet to prove that the gospel can transform entire communities.”