Tag: Moody Publishers

Flipping the Joy Switch

Excerpted From 'The Joy Switch' (Northfield Publishing)

What Does It Mean to ‘Eat Your Bible’?

Excerpted from ‘How to Eat Your Bible’ (Moody Publishers)

The Triumph of the Gospel in a Muslim’s Life

The Gospel for Muslims (Moody Publishers)

Self-Care for Leaders Who are Barely Holding On

It's OK not to have all the answers right now. We know the one who does have all the answers.

How to Lose 7 Million People

How do you lose 7 million people? That was the question the world’s largest Protestant denomination, Southern Baptists, asked themselves at their annual convention in...

3 Practices to Keep Your Brain Sharp

I have a passion for the brain and how applying newly discovered brain science can impact leadership and spiritual growth. I even wrote a...

Bearing Fruit Is Essential and Guaranteed

Excerpted from 'Character Matters' (Moody)