Tag: Mel McGowan

What Story Does Your Facility Tell?

Determine Your Church’s Unique Story and How to Share It

Redeeming Post Commons

Hugh Halter revitalizes Alton, Illinois, with nothing but an old post office.

ReCreation: EDEN City

An Ethos-Driven Experimental Neighborhood (E.D.E.N.) is a destination designed to contribute to the overall development, health and happiness of its residents.

The Inverted Cathedral

Legacy International Center shares HIStory on a global scale.

Using Space to Practice Generosity

Ascent Community Church in Colorado uses its space to offer its neighbors crazy generosity.

The Church of Tomorrow

Now is the time to think in the future tense.

Echo Park Reborn

Both Echo Park and Foursquare have experienced not just a revitalization, but reconciliation and restoration.

Your Space Can Tell Powerful Stories

Great spaces, art and stories let us join God in reflecting his image.