Tag: Mariners Church Irvine

From Consumers of Church to Consumers of God’s Grace

Our services are about participating in the goodness and grace of God with God's people.

Eric Geiger: Making the Most of the Moment—Part 1

“Christianity has become more tribal. It’s challenging to shepherd people from so many different viewpoints, but it’s also beautiful.”

Eric Geiger: Pivoting to Meet People Where They Are—Part 2

“The Lord runs to the brokenhearted. So I always feel my first response needs to be to run to them too, to let my heart break with theirs.”

Church Growth in the Year of COVID

Throw out the playbook, not the mission.

When Busyness Hides Sloth

I learned a new lesson about sloth when I had to prepare a sermon on it.

6 Surprising Discoveries After Reopening

Our church was not the first in our county (and definitely not in the country) to start holding worship gatherings again, and I am...

Why I Stopped Worrying About Losing My Salvation

The question “Can I lose my salvation?” is one of the biggest questions I wrestled with when I first became a Christian. I loved...

Defining Reality and Inspiring Hope During the Pandemic

Several of the most famous quotes about leadership point to the paradox of embracing the challenge of the season and giving vision and hope...