Tag: Lausanne Movement

How to Teach Your Kids to Live Missionally

Instructing, guiding and releasing our children to participate in God’s global work.

Evangelism and Costly Discipleship

Following Christ is costly, but worth it.

What Will It Take to Reach Gen Z?

Insights on what is probably the last homogeneous generation

How to Develop a Healthy Multicultural Team

The four phases multicultural teams go through

Learning to Listen Well

The keys to getting better at hearing people with humility, love and hope.

Seoul 2024: The Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization

Through the process of listening and convening, we will call the church to collaborative action for the sake of the kingdom of God.

How to Pray for Ukraine

The most pressing prayer needs during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Reaching People All Over the World Through the Web

How digital platforms and social media are playing an increasing role in spreading the gospel.