Tag: largest

Aaron Cole: ‘You Can’t Legislate Compassion’

“God is looking for our obedience and hard work. He will bring the increase.”

Michael Fletcher: ‘God Is a Kingdom-Minded God’

“We need to tell the truth without apology, but we must tell it with grace in love.”

Dean Herman: ‘A Good Culture Creates Growth’

“To have an incredible culture the pastor must set the culture.”

John Hill: ‘Build Consensus Through Humility’

“Great leaders learn to receive criticism by seeking it out.”

Mark Johnston: ‘Measure Spiritual Growth’

“Politics and pundits aren’t going to save us. Jesus can. Let’s focus on him.”

Josh King: ‘Build Gospel-Centered Relationships’

“Faithfulness over a long period of time in the same direction is the best mode of operation.”

Tom Lundeen: Seeing the Fruit of a ‘Grace Awakening’

“What you celebrate in your church is what gets repeated.”

Joby Martin: The Gospel Is Our Only Hope

“I don’t think ‘spiritual leadership’ is a phrase that helps us.”