How Well Does Your Church Understand the Role of Pastor?

"A striking number of churches don’t fully understand, embrace or practice the biblical plan."

9 Practical Ways to Increase Giving In Your Church

"Never make tithing about expenses. Make it about vision."

3 Reasons People Don’t Come Back to Your Church

"Unchurched people don't want soft answers from us. They want to know if we're the real deal."

J.D. Greear: Gaining by Losing—Part 1

"Churches ought to measure their success not by how many they bring in, but how many they raise up and send out."

J.D. Greear: Gaining by Losing—Part 2

“A ministry that is not discipling people to think about that global mission is not really discipling people.”

India: Learning From New Life

Lessons From the Ongoing Transformation of a 40,000-Person Church in India

Multisite 2016: What’s New and What’s Next?

Emerging trends from a dynamic movement in its third decade.

Why the Church of Tomorrow Starts Today

Bobby Gruenewald: How can we transition the church of today into the church of tomorrow? It starts with each of us.