
9 Things to Remember in a Church Crisis

Simple factors to keep in mind as you communicate

What Would You Say in the Presence of God?

“Holy” is the cry that even now is ringing in the heavens to describe God. That’s what Isaiah encountered as he was taken up in a vision and saw the Lord.

Striking Back With the Gospel

We must mobilize Christian teenagers to share the Gospel with love, passion, and urgency.

How to Say No in a Positive Way

Saying no is never fun, but it's an essential leadership skill.

Dealing With the ‘Drainers’

How Jesus handled difficult people.

In the Beginning, God Blessed

God's first act toward humanity tells us a lot about who he is.

The Wisdom of Outsiders

3 Big Ideas That Changed the Course of Our Ministry

How We Innovate

A Conversation With Carey Nieuwhof

The Courage Required of Visionary Leaders

Great leaders are willing to fight to protect what needs to change in their organization.

How Discipleship Builds Your Brain

Insights from interpersonal neurobiology

Handpicked by God

The world tells us we are not enough, but our heavenly Father tells a different story.