
How Does Church Planting Benefit the Sending Church?

Can giving away your best people be a good thing?

How Does Understanding God’s Happiness Change Lives?

As much as I believe in the holiness of God, I also believe in emphasizing God’s happiness as a legitimate and effective way to share the gospel with unbelievers or to help Christians regain a foothold in their faith.

You Can’t (and Shouldn’t) Please Everyone

Learning to balance the natural tension of loving and caring for people, but not allowing someone to leverage their personal agenda or hijack the vision of your church is part of the leader’s responsibility.

The Most Common Reasons Leaders Fail to Delegate

Why We Neglect One of the Most Important Aspects of Leadership

Accepting God’s ‘Holy Sandpaper’

His Faithfulness in the Midst of Criticism

Staying the Course

Encouragements in the Midst of This Difficult Season of Ministry

9 Powerful Lessons From the Life of William Wilberforce

What We Can Learn From the Famed Abolitionist

Why We Need New Disciples

The Joys of Bringing New People Into the Faith

4 Essential Lessons I Learned in My First Church

Early Ministry Insights That Have Stuck With Me

Reflections on Nelson Mandela’s 8 Secrets of Leadership

Surprising Insights for Divided Times

5 Techniques to Make Brainstorming Sessions More Productive

How to Use Neuroscience to Generate Ideas