Church Planting

The 3 Phases of Church-Planting Churches

Where is your church on this progression toward being a church-planting church?

Why Church Planters Are Stewards, Not Owners

"Church-planting pastors are most dangerous to their flock when they act as owners."

Didn’t See It Coming!: Why Becoming a Multiplier Is Key to Not Losing Your Way

A multiplier is a healthy disciple-making leader who champions church reproduction.

Why House Churches Are Integral to the Kingdom

"As healthy expressions grow, and their stories are told, we can see more examples of house, simple and organic churches."

10 Key Values of a Multiplying Church

“If there is to be a movement of God in the West, God will do it with the multiplication of everyday Christ-followers.”

Being Known by Your Community: The Math of the Kingdom

"As leaders, we must not only cast vision for an 'invite culture' at our church, but we must also equip our church to do it."

Pursuing Diversity: The Math of the Kingdom

"You can't have a diverse church until you live a diverse life. Diversity in our churches is preceded by diversity in our living rooms."

Developing Leadership: The Math of the Kingdom

"No matter how talented a potential leader is, if he is not marked by Christlikeness, he is setting a dangerous trajectory."

Making Disciples: The Math of the Kingdom

"We need to see discipleship as holistic, as this will affect their ability to be healthy disciples who make healthy disciples."

Adopting a Planter’s Heart: The Math of the Kingdom

"It can be a huge encouragement for a planter to know that they have other church leaders in their corner."

How to Start a Church Without a Dime

“What would change if we lived out the truth that God does the building and growing as we live in simple kingdom ways?”