Tag: Discipleship

Returning to the Heart of Worship

Your church may have restarted physical gatherings or soon be about to. Some churches are a few weeks into this uncomfortable experience—no singing, mask-wearing,...

Diagnosing the Discipleship Disease

Excerpted FromDeep DiscipleshpBy J.T. English The local church has a discipleship disease. And without the proper diagnosis and treatment plan, we will do more harm...

How God Grows Us in Times of Spiritual Dryness

August is often the driest month of the year here in Southern California. Not only is it physically dry, but it can also be...

How to Know When Political Views Have Become an Idol

Are your political views and convictions growing in intensity? Are you finding yourself feeling angrier than you used to be about a variety of...

Turning the World Upside Down

The 18th-century preacher John Wesley once wrote to a fellow believer: “Give me 100 who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and...

How to Lose 7 Million People

How do you lose 7 million people? That was the question the world’s largest Protestant denomination, Southern Baptists, asked themselves at their annual convention in...

Nona Jones: From Social Media to Social Ministry

A Guide to Digital Discipleship (Zondervan Reflective)

How Christians Can Live Countercultural Lives in This World

The Scriptures are clear that as believers we are to be different. “Dear friends, you are foreigners and strangers on this earth.” —1 Peter 2:11 Pretty...