Tag: ChurchAnswers.com

Is There Hope for a Dying Church?

Most of you will not be surprised at the challenges we will highlight as we inform you about the increasing number of moribund churches in America.

Listening to the Younger Generation When They’re Done With God

Too many older believers have simply criticized their doubt and called them to “just believe.”

Facing the New Year With Weariness

What if you are starting the year in a spot that is more from a weary and questioning posture than a hopeful and expectant one?

Can You Find Truths in These Church Statistics?

What do these numbers tell you about the state of churches and Christianity in America today?

Are You Paying Your Pastor a Fair Wage?

Most people use their own salaries as a point of comparison. If a pastor makes more than they do, it’s too much. If a pastor makes less than they do, it’s too little.

Here’s What Goes Through My Mind During a Sermon

At any point during a sermon, someone is moving around. Unless you’re doing jumping jacks in a leotard, it’s not likely to bother me.

Explaining the Growth of Non-Denominational Churches

Non-denominational churches tend to be more evangelistic. For a number of possible reasons, these congregations are more intentional about reaching their communities with the gospel.

5 Social Media Guidelines for Pastors and Church Staff

Lessons I've learned from others' and my own mistakes