Tag: ChurchAnswers.com

Budgeting for Upcoming Economic Times

Charitable giving is on the rise in the United States, but churches are receiving a smaller and smaller portion.

Benefits of Medium-Sized Churches

Small churches, large churches, megachurches, house churches, and church plants all have a place in the kingdom of God. However, mid-size churches today have some distinct advantages in North American culture.

Listening to the Oldest Generation

This generation grew up during a period marked by significant economic hardship, global conflict, and societal transformation.

Leaders, Embrace Authenticity Rather Than Strive for Perfection

When we create a culture that allows for mistakes, we encourage innovation, creativity, and risk-taking. It’s in the crucible of failure that leaders often discover their greatest strengths and develop resilience.

The Case Against Using Your Phone During Church

Recently, I went to a movie theater in my hometown. I noticed the previews stressed that everyone must turn off their phones and other digital devices.

Annual Church Budget: A Road Map for the Coming Year

Pray through every line item. We should not expect God to work through the budget unless it gets special attention through prayer.

More Than Clicking ‘Like’

I pray that I will not evaluate the music style in my church with a like button. Instead, I pray that I will be grateful to those who give of themselves every week to provide us with worshipful music.

How to Navigate Mistrust in Your Church

Many task-oriented pastors will revert to micromanagement when they do not trust the people around them.