Tag: ChurchAnswers.com

Where Is Your Sense of Urgency?

Billions of people have little or no access to the gospel, and it is our responsibility to get the Word to them and then equip them.

Where Are the Younger Pastors?

If you are happy with your current pastors, hold on to them. You will have a challenge finding the successor to your pastor, especially if you want them to be 35 to 45 years old and with at least ten years of lead pastor experience.

The Secret to Authentic Worship

The lead pastor is also the lead worshiper. You must teach by example. Put your notes down and lift your voice.

Follow These Steps When You’re Retiring

Retirement means many different paths to people. Pastors and other church staff especially have issues unique to them.

Multigenerational Mentoring

Contrary to popular belief, mentorship is not solely about imparting knowledge but about sharing wisdom gleaned from lived experiences.

Have You Overstayed Your Welcome?

Many pastors have the stamina and ability to keep shepherding well into their 70s. But there is a point when the body simply cannot handle the rigors of ministry.

Are You Concerned About the Ages of Your Church Members?

We older people are typically more faithful attenders, more faithful givers, and often have a bit of wisdom that comes with age.

How to Navigate the Negative Naysayer

When someone trumpets a series of baseless complaints, they are like a young child discovering a live mic in a room full of people. The noise is loud, overbearing, and impossible to ignore.