Tag: church leadership development

What Makes a Great Leader?

5 questions to discern the spiritual character of a potential leader

3 Ways to Overcome Failures in Leadership Development

Why leadership development fails, and what to do about it.

Expose Yourself to New Ideas

Maximizing your leadership requires new ideas.

3 Keys to Developing Your People

Being a good human capital developer is an important, but often neglected, leadership skill.

How to Know Someone Is Competent for a Staff Role

Hiring the right staff person is half the battle; the other half is getting them in the right "seat."

How to Become an ‘Antifragile’ Follower of Christ

The only way to grow as a leader and Christian is to challenge yourself.

How to Build a Culture of Discipleship at Your Church

Many leadership development programs don't take advantage of the ways people really learn. Here's how to do it better.