Tag: church leadership

9 Ways the Apostles Modeled Great Leadership

The apostles set a stellar example of great leadership as they helped solve the first internal problem the early church faced.

7 Practical Questions to Create Your Best Strategy

Stay focused and on track in seeing your plan through to the outcomes you desire.

A Time to Rest

Too often pastors and ministry leaders limp into their vacations and crash into their sabbaticals.

5 Keys to Sustained Influence as a Leader

Or, why should people continue to follow you?

The Blessed Burden

Because a local church is a gathering of believers, the Enemy is against her. Thus, the spiritual battles surrounding a local church and her leaders are fierce.

3 Key Questions to Assess Your Humility

Pride is dangerous for a leader, so how do you reduce your potential of being prideful?

What Does It Mean to Be Great for God?

My heart tells me I’m average at best.

10 Gifts Every Leader Should Give Their Team

How to empower your team to succeed