Tag: Barna

Susan Mettes: The Loneliness Epidemic

Defuse the Underlying Issues That Take Pastors Down

How to Support Millennials During the Pandemic

Millennials are being disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

1 in 3 Practicing Christians Is Still and Only Attending Their Pre-COVID Church

Recently, Barna Group revealed findings about “The New Sunday Morning,” highlighting trends in church attendance and engagement since the nation’s response to COVID-19 began...

Encouraging Christians to Have Spiritual Conversations

Barna: Three-quarters of self-identified U.S. Christians have fewer than 10 spiritual conversations a year.

Barna Group: Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age

How Christians Approach to Sharing Their Faith Has Changed in 25 Years

Barna: Over Half of Churchgoers Don’t Know the Great Commission

Allen Yeh: We need a new "William Carey" moment in the church.

Majority of Pastors Had Previous Career, Survey Shows

Barna: Roughly one-quarter (26 percent) remains bivocational.

3 Steps to Racial Reconciliation in the Church

"Too many Christians jump into discussions about racial reconciliation without a firm foundation of cultural understanding."