Lora Schrock

Lora Schrock is editor of Outreach magazine.

Welcome New Neighbors to Your Church

The New Mover Program helps you reach people who have just moved to your community.

Anyone and Everyone: Fountain Springs Church

No. 77 Fastest-Growing: Fountain Springs Church in South Dakota Extends the Welcome Mat to the Community

Growing Healthy: Vaughn Forest Church

No. 55 Fastest-Growing: Vaughn Forest Church in Alabama Focuses on Trust, Communication and Unity

A Culture of Urgency: First Church of Christ

No. 56 Fastest-Growing: First Church of Christ in Kentucky Renews Its Vision to Reach the Lost

Florida Church Supports Underprivileged Kids With New Shoes

First Presbyterian Church in Vero Beach promotes better self-esteem in needy children.

Maine Church Expands by Opening a Neighborhood-Community Center

Eastpoint Christian Church in South Portland finds a practical way to be more to the city than solely a church.

Seminary Trends: Responding to Church and Cultural Change

"There was a time when education for some meant moving and uprooting their family. Today, none of that is necessary."

Combatting Biblical Illiteracy: What’s Trending in Seminary Education

"There was a time when one could assume some level of base knowledge, but that is no longer the case."