Tag: welcoming guests

5 Keys to Reaching and Retaining Guests

How to grow your church in a post-COVID world

3 Ways to Create a Welcoming Environment for Visitors

How do you welcome people who feel like outsiders?

How to Welcome Guests, Without Going Overboard

No two visitors agree on how a faithful church should welcome guests.

8 Cues Why People Won’t Return After Christmas

Whether I’m working with a church plant of 40 people or a mega-church of over 35,000, some things are universal and should be present regardless of church size.

3 Easy Steps to Win Guests to the Church

The church has an opportunity to create a space where lonely or even busy people can find rest within her walls.

Using the Summer Slump to Win Guests

God has a beautiful design for your local church to reach the lost with the gospel message, but is your church prepared to do so?

7 Things Churches Do That Make New People Want to Stay

How many of these things does your church do effectively?

3 Keys to an Effective Guest Services Team

Welcoming guests is an important aspect of the life of the church. What should we prioritize when we’re introducing people to the church?