Tag: Thom Rainer

6 Common Challenges New Pastors Face

Not every new pastor faces these challenges, but they're good to be aware of to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Why Is There a Shortage of Youth Pastors?

Several factors are contributing to the lack of available student pastors.

Why More Churches Are Pursuing Horizontal Growth

There are several benefits for adding services, classes, groups, venues and campuses.

The 5-Hour Challenge That Will Make Your Church Focus Outward

Commit to spending 5 hours a week on outwardly focused ministry and evangelism.

6 Questions for Those Entering Ministry Later in Life

These are the most common questions we ask people going into ministry later in life.

How to Prevent Death by Church Meetings

Do you really need to meet as often and as long as you are?

6 Reasons Your New Member Class Isn’t Working

If your new member class isn't taking off, here are the first places to look.

What to Do When a Friend Leaves the Church

Here's how pastors can respond positively and proactively to the pain.