Tag: Thinke.org

Trust What You Know to Be True

We have the tendency to look around us and make definite pronouncements of what the Lord is doing.

Grateful … All of the Time?

Developing a habit of thankfulness requires intentionality.

3 Reasons to Be Gentle

The Christian is to be a gentle person, but that’s a hard thing, isn’t it? Especially when things aren’t going your way and the temptation is to be angry. Hurt. Entitled. Bitter.

What Is God’s Glorious Word?

As God reveals himself more and more to his followers, they begin to more fully understand that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it (John 1:5).

The Impulse of Self-Justification

It's amazing how deeply our compulsion for self-justification runs, and it comes out in big and small ways.

Keep Your Hope Alive With These 3 Scriptures

We don’t need hope if we have what we long for. So our hope is fed by grounding it in reality.

God Notices Faithfulness

Be encouraged. Know that you are as essential in the body of Christ as anyone else.

How Will You Respond to Trials?

Trials give us the chance to display what we truly believe.