Tag: Thinke.org

Be Prepared for Today

The more we prepare by seeking God first, the better equipped we will be for any reality.

Gideon Was Afraid

We use an expression like, “Put out the fleece” for some kind of process of seeking to know God's will by asking Him to provide a tangible, observable sign answering a question we have. That’s what Gideon did.

There’s No Such Thing as a Dull Christian

As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, we discover new depths of understanding about the Lord, ourselves, our purpose, and the world around us.

The Difference In Waiting for Someone and for Something

You might well find that the “thing” you were waiting for, as the fulfillment of all that longing, is very different than you thought it was.

Trust What You Know to Be True

We have the tendency to look around us and make definite pronouncements of what the Lord is doing.

Grateful … All of the Time?

Developing a habit of thankfulness requires intentionality.

3 Reasons to Be Gentle

The Christian is to be a gentle person, but that’s a hard thing, isn’t it? Especially when things aren’t going your way and the temptation is to be angry. Hurt. Entitled. Bitter.

What Is God’s Glorious Word?

As God reveals himself more and more to his followers, they begin to more fully understand that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it (John 1:5).