Tag: spiritual growth

How to Grow

Darryl Dash: Applying the Gospel to All of Your Life

What Is Spiritual Growth?

God cares about more than the Sunday morning aspects of our lives, and in fact, wants to restore every aspect.

Why It’s Good News That God Doesn’t Need You

What you do for God is, of course, important, but much more important is what he is doing within you.

10 Steps Toward Self-Control

It can be hard to gauge if your growing in self-control; here, from Proverbs, are 10 characteristics of people who demonstrate it.

Try This: An Easy Way to Identify Your Strengths

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses will help you apply your strengths where they are most useful and limit time spent doing tasks in your weaker areas.

Try This: A Simple Approach to Small Group Growth

Give small group members a memorable way to grow spiritually.

Make the Psalms the Language of Your Faith

"The book of Psalms speaks to us where we are but refuses to leave us where we are. It puts words on our lips and invites us to make them ours."