Tag: sexual sin

It Takes More Than Rules to Stand Strong Against Lust

If we want to stay pure, then we must daily drink the pure milk of God’s Word. We must so absorb it into our spiritual systems that, in the words of Charles Spurgeon, our blood becomes “Bibline.”

Hope in the Wake of Sexual Sin

We have a Savior who came to restore those who have suffered because of their sin.

5 Warning Signs of Moral Failure

If you see these warning signs in someone else—or yourself—it's time to have a difficult conversation.

Build 5 ‘Fences’ to Protect Yourself From Sexual Sin

I am still stunned by respected Christian leaders resigning over sexual misconduct. Can't we just build the fences we need?

When Women Remain Silent

“You must create a safe environment for women to speak up with the loving care and support necessary to get free.”

7 Steps to Avoid Sexual Sin and Stay in the Ministry

The kingdom of darkness enjoys seeing a pastor fall ... because, like a grenade, its shrapnel does damage on so many levels.