Tag: Ron Edmondson

How to Help a New Staff Member Get Acclimated

This article originated after I received the following message from a pastor friend: “I have a new full-time associate pastor starting next week. What suggestions...

7 Habits That Will Cripple a Leader

The things that may be stymieing your leadership

How Do You Work Alongside Your Team?

The truth is any organization is only as good as the people within it. Take the greatest idea and put the wrong people behind it and little progress will be realized. Therefore, with the right people – even average ideas can achieve tremendous results.

Pastors, When Do You Move On?

I’ve watched people in organizations – in government, business, nonprofits, and, sadly, far too often in the church — some leaders (people) simply stay too long. Leader, leave before you have to leave.

What Do You Say When the Going Gets Tough?

I’ve never met a runner, who crossed the finish line, who didn’t receive the thrill of victory – even if it was only after they threw up in a trashcan nearby.

7 Tips on Tackling the Unknowns in Leadership

Communication is always important, but especially during times of unrest, confusion or chaos. When times are uncertain people become frustrated. They need to know what’s happening and what is being done to improve the situation.

The Benefits of Conflict

A little conflict will force us to find methodologies for dealing with problems so we will not be blind-sided when major trouble arrives.

You Need to Hear (and Share) These Life-Giving Truths

I once had a pastor say, “Ron, you’re a giant killer!” He encouraged me to kill giants for the Kingdom of God. It changed the trajectory of my life. I possibly wouldn’t be serving the church as I am today without those words. They came at just the right time in my life.