
Mark Glanville

Jazz by its nature as a traditioned, improvised, nuanced, intelligent, conversational art form, is an evocative metaphor for the church in post-Christendom.

John H. Walton

Whatever authority the prophetic words held for the ancient audience they also hold for us.

Robert F. Cochran Jr.

The great social good that lawyers do is to uphold the rule of law.

Brian Rosner: How to Find Yourself

“This book looks directly at our cultural moment and the identity angst that seems to have engulfed our age.”

Amy DiMarcangelo: A Hunger for More

“God doesn't want us to be satisfied with moderate portions of him.”

Eugene H. Peterson: The Message New Testament

“The Bible is not only written about us but to us.”

Amy Kenny: My Body Is Not a Prayer Request

This book shows that the church is missing out on the prophetic witness and blessing of disability.

Mark Teasdale: Participating in Abundant Life

Through seven chapters, the author addresses the lack of soteriological imagination.

Mark Moore: Quest 52

“Let’s pursue Jesus relentlessly; he wants to be found. He may even join us along the journey.”

Michael Reeves: Gospel People

“I believe there is a biblical case to be made for the importance and goodness of being evangelical.”

Gary Agee: That We May Be One

“We are well aware of the fact that we will never be able to reach the unredeemed in such a dysfunctional and divided state.”