Gavin Ortlund: Humility

Crossway, 2023
By Gavin Ortlund

WHO: Gavin Ortlund, senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai in Ojai, California.

HE SAYS: “Humility opens us to the sheer wonder of being alive.”

THE BIG IDEA: This book explores personal humility and humility in the context of the church in order to understand one particular quality of humility: joy. 

THE PROGRESSION: In Part 1, “Cultivating Personal Humility,” the author looks at how the gospel defines and fuels humility and lists 10 practices that kill pride. In Part 2, “Cultivating Humility in Our Church Life,” reviews humility in leadership, humility among peers and understanding what submission really means. 

“Humility is, in every circumstance, the key to joy, flourishing, and life itself.”

Gavin Ortlund
Gavin Ortlund

Gavin Ortlund is senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai, California.

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The horizontal dimension of the cross symbolizes the other aspect of community that the cross offers—that we can be reconciled not only to God, but also to each other, and be brought together to form one body.