Tag: humility

What Humility Has to Do With Leadership

Every day, we’re handed a fresh, finite opportunity to step up, level up, and live our lives to the fullest. And that’s the weight we feel, isn’t it? The pressure to not waste what we’ve been given.

3 Key Questions to Assess Your Humility

Pride is dangerous for a leader, so how do you reduce your potential of being prideful?

What Makes a Humble Pastor?

7 characteristics of pastors who demonstrate humility

Is Pride in Your Blind Spot?

As puny and flawed as we are, the fact that we accomplish a few things and then decide we can live without God is all the proof anyone should ever need of our precarious condition in this universe.

Joel Muddamalle: Total Dependence

We think humility is an invitation for people to walk all over us, for endless suffering, to be left out. Yet the Bible doesn’t present that at all.

Who Are You Following?

Humility isn’t a skill, it’s a disposition of the heart, it’s a way of life. It’s not something you get better at, it’s a virtue you embrace.

How Can We Remain Humble While Pursuing Humility?

What we need is to be so gripped by Jesus and His grace that we truly forget about ourselves. Why would we want to think about ourselves, the lesser, when we can think about Him, the infinitely greater?

Richard J. Foster: A Lesson in Humility

Be brave enough to seek humility. Be strong enough to seek humility. Be courageous enough to seek humility, and we will grow. It increases our sense of community, and none of us can do this on our own.