Brandon O’Brien: What Unites Us, What Divides Us

Image result for not from around hereNot From Around Here: What Unites Us, What Divides Us, and How We Can Move Forward
(Moody, 2019)

WHO: Brandon O’Brien, director of content development and distribution for Redeemer City to City.

HE SAYS: “America is divided along a lot of lines and over a lot of issues. Because these conversations are complicated and difficult, all this complexity is often simplified into one big division, a division that summarizes them all: the urban/rural divide.”

Christians need to root their identity in Christ, not in where they are from.

The author presents an awareness of America’s divisions and challenges Christ followers to have conversations with one another to create a richer, more effective Christian community.

“Our highest calling is not to conform to the values of the place we live in but to be progressively transformed into the image of Christ.”

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Brandon O'Brien
Brandon O'Brien

Brandon J. O’Brien is a writer and editor and author of The Strategically Small Church (Bethany House, 2010).