Tyler Reagin: The Life-Giving Leader

The Life-Giving Leader
Learning to Lead From Your Truest Self
(WaterBrook, 2018)

WHO: Tyler Reagin, president of Catalyst.

HE SAYS: “Life-giving leadership is a divine directive, and it requires sacrifice.”

THE BIG IDEA: God has uniquely created you with specific talents, and he divinely calls you to lead from these strengths.

Part 1, “Leading From Your Truest Self,” explores how God has uniquely made leaders to be who they are.
Part 2, “Releasing the Life Giver Within You,” the characteristics of a leader are discussed, such as a leader is self-aware, self-accepting, self-confident, humble and healthy.
In Part 3, “Core Behaviors of Life-Giving Leaders,” the author emphasizes the importance of sacrifice in leadership—surrendering to God’s will, serving others, working selflessly and sacrificing for the cause.
The book concludes with “How Life-Giving Leaders Change Organizations,” a practical look at how leaders build thriving teams and leave a strong legacy.

“Giving up your privilege for someone else will change the picture your team and friends have of you.”

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An Outreach Also Recommended Resource—Ministry Leadership Category

“Tyler Reagin provides insights on how to lead well out of our weaknesses as well as our strengths.”

Evaluated by Ron Edmondson, CEO of Leadership Network who previously served for 16 years as a senior pastor. He also has over 20 years of experience in the business world.


What does it mean to be a life-giving leader?

To be a life-giving leader means you are leading from your truest self. It is someone who is self-aware, self-accepting and self-confident. They’re known for creating vibrant organizations and cultivating life-giving teams. To be a life-giving leader, you embrace that God has uniquely created you with specific talents and that he divinely calls you to lead from those particular strengths.

How did you come to this message about life-giving leadership?

This message began with the words, “If you are not successful, it’s probably just your personality.” These words were said to me once by a leader and once by a friend. In those moments, the words pierced by heart, but they later turned out to be a profound gift. It was an important leadership moment that felt like a failure, but God used it to change my leadership and me forever. After years of inner work and embracing who God has called me to be, I’ve learned the power in owning your uniqueness, and I want other people to find the freedom that comes with that.

What is the most important leadership lesson you’ve had?

The most important leadership lesson I’ve learned is healthy leadership begins with being OK with who God created me to be. That’s a lot of what this book is about. Learning to live and lead from your authentic self. I believe God uniquely made each of us for a specific purpose, and the sooner we can embrace our uniqueness (gifts, passions, strengths and weaknesses), the sooner we can walk into the life God has called us to.