Serving Local Schools: Bring Christ’s Compassion to the Core of Your Community
(Zondervan, 2017)
WHO: Chuck Bomar, lead pastor of Colossae Church in Portland, Oregon.
HE SAYS: “Rather than looking to your community to find its problems, I would first highly recommend trying to find strengths and looking for places where God is already at work where you live.”
THE BIG IDEA: This practical guide clarifies what churches have to offer school districts and how they can best help.
Divided into two easy-to-follow sections, the book begins by examining the “why” behind reaching out to local schools, including what has happened with budget cuts, how schools need help and what objections churches might face.
The second section addresses the “how” behind churches helping schools, including being creative, being strategic and understanding the church and state balancing act.
“This book is designed to bring awareness to an enormous opportunity and provide practical ways to express your faith.”
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“Chuck Bomar outlines the importance of having a key place of influence in your community: the local school. He lists the ways he has done it and how you can do it as well.”
Evaluated by Russell St. Bernard, an Outreach magazine consulting editor; the director of ministry operations and outreach at Reid Temple AME Church’s north campus in Glenn Dale, Maryland; and the founder of After the Music Stops.