
Generosity and Selflessness

It is really easy to give out of a surplus. That’s because the surplus is never something we truly need.

Everyday Evangelism

It all starts with a simple prayer to bring someone along your path today with whom you can share.

Aren’t Christians Just a Bunch of Hypocrites?

Rejecting Christianity because some Christians are hypocrites would be like not buying a certain brand of shoes because the only people you’ve ever seen wearing them were troublemakers.

4 Important Lessons on Relationships

Relational mistakes show up even in kindergarten.

The Here and Now

Cancer survivors understand the difference between chronos and kairos.

Empowering the People, Not One Pastor

Discipleship is more powerful than a single, charismatic leader.

A Proverbial Path to Decision Making

The only way to get wisdom is through ... seeking wisdom.

3 Questions to Ask Before Starting Church Funding Initiatives

Things to consider as you write your business plan and vision statement.

Ruth Everhart: The #MeToo Reckoning

The #MeToo Reckoning