Missional Economics

Missional Economics
Biblical Justice and Christian Formation
(Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2018)

WHO: Michael Barram, professor of theology and religious studies at Saint Mary’s College of California.

HE SAYS: “Slavery to wealth is true slavery; slavery in service to God brings true life.”

THE BIG IDEA: The Bible has a lot to say about economic matters. This book examines biblical texts through a missional lens, showing how God’s Word can and should transform our economic thinking and practices.

Through 13 chapters, the author presents a strongly reasoned, clear vision of the Bible’s transformative focus on how we think about money, wealth and poverty.
Chapters examine economic reasoning in different Gospel accounts, the kingdom’s economy of abundance and economic formation. Chapters end with reflection questions.

“Abundance, generosity, cooperation, sustainability, compassion, mercy, love, and justice—these need not (indeed they must not) remain oddly spiritualized, idealistic terms for Christians. We serve the God who can and will make these realities.”

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