
Renovate by Innovating

It sounds so simple, but it will take grit to overcome self-doubt and strategic decline to push forward with an innovative spirit to reach the community and bless them as the hands and feet of Christ.

Create Community Through Technology

There are five practical ways in which I have personally seen my church transform from Sunday gatherings only to table fellowship that extends fellowship well into the week.

Flee, Fight, or Pray?

Fleeing may not be the answer, but falling on one's knees in open repentance to God for their part in the disagreement enables healing to begin in one's heart.

Care for Your Soul: Prayer and Fasting

Excerpted from 'What Great Ministry Leaders Get Right' (Moody Publishers)

Pastors and the Disability Experience

Excerpted from 'Disability' by Brian Brock

Richard Stearns: The Case for Values-Driven Leadership

"Most of the things you are likely to achieve in your career are not going to be impressive to God. God is impressed with your character, with your faithfulness."

Pastoring as Conducting

Excerpted from 'Small Preaching' (Lexham Press)

Doug Paul: Championing Kingdom Innovation—Part 1

Restoring the church’s pioneering spirit

Doug Paul: Overcoming Obstacles to Innovation—Part 2

The challenge of charting a new course in a new normal

Outreach Resources of the Year: Leadership

Evaluated by Knute Larson

Leading What You Didn’t Start

A conversation with Tyler Reagin About succession