Expository Exultation
Christian Preaching as Worship
(Crossway, 2018)
WHO: John Piper, founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and the chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary.
HE SAYS: “God’s purpose on the earth will advance through Bible-saturated, Christ-exalting, God-centered churches, where the gravity and gladness of eternal worship is awakened and rehearsed each week in the presence and power of expository exultation.”
THE BIG IDEA: The goal of this book is to show how preaching becomes and begets the blood-bought, Spirit-wrought worship of the worth and beauty of God.
In Part 1, “A Setting for Preaching,” the author offers a description and a defence of corporate worship.
Part 2, “Why Is Expository Exultation Integral to Corporate Worship?”, shows how this form of communication became a part of corporate worship.
Part 3, “How Does Preaching Become a Means of the Miracle of Worship—Supernaturally?” focuses on how a preacher becomes an instrument of God so that his preaching becomes an act of worship and a means of awakening worship.
Part 4, “How Does Preaching Become a Means of the Miracle of Worship—Naturally?”, addresses what natural means are legitimate in the pursuit of supernatural ends.
In Part 5, ”Rigorous Attention to the Text for the Sake of Radical Penetration into Reality,” deals with the question of whether pastors preach the text or the reality revealed through it.
In Part 6, “What Reality Shall We Preach?”, readers delve into whether pastors preach the reality the text aims to communicate or keep in view the author’s larger vision of reality.
Part 7, “Expository Exultation and the Old Testament,” makes the case that a Trinitarian depiction of the reality preached is living for the glory of God, magnifying the crucified Christ and walking by the Spirit.
“God has created appointed this unique, anointed embodiment of his word for the explanation and celebration of his glory.”
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