Tag: John Piper

Living for What Will Last

The right way to be rich

Coronavirus: A Wake-Up Call

The coronavirus is a God-given wake-up call to be ready for the second coming of Christ. Even though the history of the Christian church is...

Why Preaching Is Worship

The uniqueness of the call to preach

Good Preaching Requires Good Thinking

To preach well, we must be committed to expend the mental effort to understand the Scriptures and exposit them for our hearers.

Expository Exultation

John Piper: Christian Preaching as Worship

The Books That Have Influenced Me Most

How many books you read is not the important thing. How deeply you read them will determine the lasting effect they will have on you.

Should Christians Be Encouraged to Arm Themselves?

John Piper: Why carrying concealed weapons works against the counter-cultural, self-sacrificing, soul-saving cause of Christ.

John Piper Webcast to Promote Racial Reconciliation

The longtime pastor and author of the recently released book ”Bloodlines” will address local pastors through this worldwide broadcast.