Tag: preaching

Preacher, Don’t Blow It During the Invitation

What is the invitation I’m referring to? The Gospel invitation! It’s the moment when a preacher invites unbelievers to believe and the lost to be saved.

Robert Smith Jr.: Rooted in the Gospel

"The church is to be a city that's set on a hill that cannot be hid. So when people see us, 'My, how they love one another,' I mean, real love, they're drawn by that."

How to Do a Sermon Review

The nuts and bolts of making your preaching that much better

What to Do When Your Sermon Falls Flat

7 tips for those weeks when you didn’t bring your best stuff

7 Essential Preaching Skills to Reach a Post-Christian Audience

The authentic gospel message will never change. But the methods and approaches have to if you’re going to connect with post-modern, post-Christian people.

3 Underutilized Disciplines That Will Make Your Preaching Stronger

What’s often missing from sermons today?

Preaching Sermons That Stick

How do people remember?

How to Make Sure You’re Preaching to Everyone

7 tips for preaching to young, old and not-yet Christians