Reading Bible Roundup

Reader Editions of the Bible

Engaging with God’s story is easier now for those who enjoy reading Scripture like a novel. The popularity of reader editions of the Bible—those formatted without chapter and verse numbers—is on the rise. Here is a sampling of some recent and upcoming releases:

The Amplified Reading Bible (Zondervan) is presented in a single-column paragraph layout with poetry set to stanzas. The header shows the page number in the outer margin and the book name, chapter and verse number next to the page number separated by a bar. It also comes with four Bible reading plans.

Bibliotheca Complete Multivolume Reader’s Bible Clothbound Set (Writ Press) is treated in classic typographic style. This set includes a traditional paperboard slipcase that fits all five volumes (The Five Books and The Former Prophets, The Latter Prophets, The Writings, The Apocrypha and The New Testament).

The CEB Storytellers Bible (Abingdon Press) helps readers see the big themes and important truths of Scripture while also guiding them in how to tell these stories in contemporary language. It includes articles about reading and telling Bible stories with commentary on many of the stories.

The CSB Reader’s Bible (Holman Bibles) provides the opportunity to read the Bible uninterrupted by verse and chapter references. It features an even balance of white space and text with subtle indents to assist the reading of poetry.

ESV Gospels of John Reader’s Edition (Crossway) captures this firsthand historical record in a stand-alone volume formatted like a novel.

ESV Gospels Reader’s Set (Crossway) presents each Gospel in a stand-alone reader’s volume packaged together in a slipcase. Printed on book paper with smyth-sewn bindings.

ESV Reader’s Bible 6 Volume Set (Crossway) has 12-point text arranged to flow smoothly with no verse or chapter numbers. The set is divided into six volumes: Pentateuch, Historical Books, Poetry, Prophets, Gospels and Acts, and Epistles and Revelation.

ESV Reader’s Letters of Paul (Crossway) presents the apostle’s 13 New Testament letters to read like a book. An introductory article explains how the letters fit within the rest of the Bible as well as the important role they have played in the history of the church.

Filament Bible (Tyndale) pairs the New Living Translation print Bible with mobile devices through the free Filament app. The app uses the device’s camera to recognize the page and connects to content centered around that passage—study notes, profiles, devotions, interactive maps, videos, etc.

Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience (Tyndale) delivers Scripture in chronological order without chapter or verse breaks. While references are made available, they do not appear within the actual Scripture text. Volumes include The Messiah, Beginnings, Kingdoms, Chronicles, Poets and Prophets.

NIV Reader’s Bible (Zondervan) is a reader’s edition that retains the translator’s footnotes at the end of every book; Scripture references are included at the top of each page.

The NIV Sola Scriptura Bible Project (Zondervan) is a four-volume set with the Old Testament following the traditional Hebrew Scriptures order: the Torah, the Former and Latter Prophets, and the Writings. The New Testament is organized with each of the four Gospels at the head of four groupings.

NKJV Deluxe Reader’s Bible (Thomas Nelson) features the Thomas Nelson NKJV Typeface in a single-column format. High-contrast paper, lay-flat bindings and an innovative approach to chapter and verse markers create a distraction-free reading experience.

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