Preaching Jesus Christ Today

Preaching Jesus Christ Today
Six Questions for Moving from Scripture to Sermon
(Baker, 2018)

WHO: Annette Brownlee, chaplain, professor of pastoral theology and director of field education at Wycliffe College.

SHE SAYS: “Our vocation as preachers is found in this: to stand under the Word with our people, in the context of the church, and to let it address and shape us.”

THE BIG IDEA: Pastors can approach preaching as a theological practice and a spiritual discipline. Using six questions, this book shows preachers how to listen to Scripture, move from text to interpretation and understand the theological significance of the sermon.

This book is organized around the “Six Questions of the Sermon,” beginning with an introduction that lays out what is at stake if the church loses the practice of attending to Scripture for proclamation.
The main section of the book moves through the six questions in order: What do I see? Whom do I see? What is Christ’s word to me? What is Christ’s word to us? What is Christ’s word about us? And What does it look like?
With each question, the author discusses the theological and hermeneutical issues it brings up, the role of the preacher in this stage of sermon preparation and the tools for using the questions in sermon preparation.
The final section offers sample sermons using the six questions.

“Reading Scripture intratextually, paying attention to its ascriptive logic and employing a communal hermeneutic along with one’s own exegetical work—each offers a way to linger in Scripture’s room, to listen with and on behalf of one’s people and to preach.”

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