Tag: Paul J. Pastor

Rebecca McLaughlin: Presenting Truth With Humility—Part 2

“We can’t actually share the gospel while holding onto our pride. Too often we think we’re defending Jesus when in fact we’re defending ourselves.”

Josh Howerton: Answering the Call—Part 1

“Your job is to leverage your life for the greatest kingdom profit possible.”

Josh Howerton: A Hurricane of Grace—Part 2

“In eternity, our best fruit will likely be growing on other people's trees.”

Peyton Jones: Reimagining Church Planting—Part 1

“I had mistaken church starting for church planting. And that distinction made all the difference.”

Makoto Fujimura: Behold the Fragments—Part 1

"Could our broken places become part of our signature that will remain, turned to precious beauty on the other side of our own resurrection?"

Makoto Fujimura: Broken and Made New—Part 2

“Our faith is not about winning culture wars, but is about sharing vulnerabilities and our experiences in a world that is in desperate need of healing.”

Eden, Gethsemane and a Call to Create

Unleashing the power of honest creativity in your church community.

Efrem Smith: An Outpost for the Kingdom—Part 1

“We cannot surrender the outposts of God’s kingdom to the ways of our nation. We are here to transform. To make disciples.”