Tag: parenting

4 Reminders for Discouraged Parents

Parenting can be hard, so let these truths encourage you.

Raising Faithful Stewards

Children who grow up getting most of what they want without having to earn it have a predictable future.

The Toughest Parenting Lesson to Embrace

Learning to see our kids' unique gifts

Modeling a Missionary Heart for Our Children

Encouraging kids to follow Christ wherever he leads

6 Tips to Plan a Memorable Summer With Your Kids

Summer is here and yet, many of us feel like we have already had summer because our kids have been home from school or...

5 Inconsistencies We’re Teaching Our Kids

"Do as I say, not as a do" is not going to work for passing on our faith to the next generation.

The Tech-Wise Family

Andy Crouch: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place

5 Reasons You Should Send Your Kids to Public School

"If we remove all the Christian kids from public schools, who will influence the remaining kids for Christ?"