Tag: outreach

6 Keys to Leading With Integrity

We can’t lead what we don’t live.

Resisting This Season’s Temptation Toward Narcissism

There is a strong temptation to turn inward in this pandemic season, but the apostle Paul shows us a better way.

Ministry Pivot: A Conversation on Outreach

With Russell St. Bernard

Pivoting Your Outreach

While this season has been difficult for several churches, it has also been even more difficult for some people in the community. Nowhere else...

Stories of Hope: An Online Festival Experience (May 30)

Join the Luis Palau Association for an online global evangelism festival sharing testimonies from athletes and influencers.

What Will Your Church Be Remembered For?

The church is at its best in times like these.

Convoy of Hope Serving 10 Million Meals

Convoy of Hope is distributing meals in this time of crisis.

Welcome New Neighbors to Your Church

The New Mover Program helps you reach people who have just moved to your community.