Tag: Outreach 100 Ideas

Idea Starter: Establish a Lifetree Café

Set up a Lifetree Café, a less intimidating, off-campus form of a Bible study that puts Christianity into a real-world perspective

Try This: Support Military Families

Idea Starter: Offer support groups for service members and their families, and celebrate their service on Memorial and Veteran’s days

Idea Starter: Bring Your Church to the Gym

Stream your services live to reach those who spend Sunday mornings pumping iron

Try This: Treat Busy Moms to Time Off

Let moms catch up on errands or mingle with other adults while you watch the kids.

How to Really Be a Church Where All Are Welcome

Lead Pastor Jim Burgen shares how to get people to relax and stay to figure out their relationship with God

Plug First-Time Guests Into the Church Immediately After the Service

Experience Life Church helps first-time guests evaluate where they are on their faith journey immediately.

Idea Starter: Home-Based Small Groups Reach Out to Neighbors and Friends

How One Church Does It: EastLake Church asks group leaders to open groups to acquaintances to connect them to church.

Allow Volunteers to Shadow Mentors Before They Commit to a Ministry

Living Stones Church matches its members to service that fits their interests.