Tag: Offer

How to Know if You Are Connecting With Online Viewers

5 online benchmarks your team needs to start tracking

6 Key Differences Between Millennials and Gen Z

What church leaders need to understand

Voting Like a Christ Follower

We can't vote for Jesus, but we can vote informed by our faith in Jesus.

Enjoying the Earth for the Glory of God

Living a life of godwardness

Facing the Reality That People Will Leave

How to keep a level head when people take off

What You Should and Shouldn’t Do as a Bivocational Pastor

A few things I learned and have observed from working with bivocational pastors

Why Good Sleep Is Essential for Leadership

We leaders need our brains to function at their peak and sleep can help them do that.

David Platt: Reproducing Church, Transcendent Community—Part 1

"Unless we’re going to disobey Jesus, we must prioritize making disciples and multiplying churches."