Tag: Mosaic Christian Church Elkridge

Forging Faith: How Growing Churches Are Reaching Young Adults

“You don’t want to lower the bar of discipleship, but you do want to lower the bar of entry to get them on that path.” –Jonathan Moynihan

Wherever There Is Need: Mosaic Christian Church

Maryland church turns crises into opportunities.

Church Growth in the Year of COVID

Throw out the playbook, not the mission.

The Secret to Generating Momentum in Your Church

"Everybody loves to win. Everybody loves when your team scores to take the lead. That is why we love momentum."

Experience > Explanation: A Formula for Evangelism

"People aren’t going to remember the facts I tell them; they’re going to remember the experiences they have."

How to Keep Your Church’s Message From Becoming White Noise

"Let’s communicate creatively so that our initiatives to expose people to the gospel do not become white noise."

3 Keys to Difficult Conversations in Ministry

"These are hard conversations to have. But when we speak truth in love, we are doing what Jesus asks."

The Difference Between Church Members and Chicken

"I’m learning that systems are good … for preparing chicken. But systems have to include freedom when dealing with people."