Tag: microchurch

The Shape of Things That Have Come

The current generation sees no need for new expressions to compete with traditional churches, but rather to see microchurches and megachurches existing in a blended ecology.

Going Missional in Rural America

“We need to build relational capital. These guys need to enjoy gathering together. They need to love one another. They need to really practice the ‘one anothers’ that we see in Scripture. So, that was our primary goal for that fall season.” The groups took off and thrived.

New Life From Every Disciple

The exponential power of a decentralized church movement

Lance Ford, Rob Wegner & Alan Hirsch: The Starfish and the Spirit

Unleashing the Leadership Potential of Churches and Organizations (Zondervan)

Develop a Living System Mindset at Your Church

Excerpted from 'The Starfish and the Spirit' (Zondervan)

A Smaller Way

How the microchurch movement is reaching beyond church walls

Can Your Church Be a Hybrid of Microchurch and Megachurch?

The pandemic is pushing us to explore new ways of being the church.

Practical Multiplication Webinar: Creating a Culture of Mobilization

A conversation between Rob Wegner, Ralph Moore and Myron Pierce