Tag: Mecklenburg Community Church Charlotte

Poll: Mapping Americans’ Values and Beliefs

Taking the temperature of Americans' beliefs about 21 issues.

Why After a Decade Our Church Is No Longer Multisite

Here are the reasons we decided to reincorporate our satellite campuses into the original campus.

10 Things Not to Do to First-Time Guests

Not only should you stop doing these things, but you can stop doing them.

6 Striking Trends Shaping the U.S. and World

Here are six notable demographic trends that will shape the future of the world and the church.

How to Know Someone Is Competent for a Staff Role

Hiring the right staff person is half the battle; the other half is getting them in the right "seat."

Is Your Church Structured for Growth or Control?

Are the structures of your church holding you back from being able to make good decisions?

When to Risk Offending People

There are times when it's not just OK, but right, to offend people.

Why We Must Value Character Over Talent

We cannot be fooled into thinking that God will bless our ministries when we value talent over character.